Thursday, October 22, 2009


Tone: a writer's or speaker's attitude toward a subject
     In the beginning of the story it began very gloomy (chapter's 1 to 4) because Lily was going through a tough time in her life. In the book it shows the deep scars (metaphorically) that were in her in mind from a young age. She was living with the thoughts of her mother's death. Knowing that she was the reason being because she shot her mother accidentally, made the beginning chapters gloomy.
     Towards the middle it gets very humdrum and calm. In the middle Lily had already moved into the pink house with the calender sisters. She found work helping August make the honey jars." On our first evening there, after prayers were finished and orange and pink swirls still hung in the sky from sunset, I went with August to the bee yard. I hadn't been out to the hives before, so to start off she gave me a lesson in what she called "bee yard etiquette" (page 92 paragraph 3 via paragraph 2). 
       The ending was kind of bitter sweet because not only was Lily able to find truth to her life but they also lost someone so close to them.When May died it brought down the ending. 

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